Friday, May 30, 2008

Here we go!

Day 0 - Lot is mowed and ready to be torn up! Porta-potty has been delivered (to the wrong lot!) and the temp pole is standing!

Day 1 - It's a rain out! But the bulldozer is there ready and waiting.

Day 2 - Waiting to dry up a little bit...

Day 3 - I officially started my job today as on-site supervisor. It's exciting to see it all happen. I met Andy Mitchell our excavator and watched him and his team knock down the trees...turns out we both went to RHS and his brother was in my class. He did a great job and will finish up next Wednesday after the soil test comes back for the compaction.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Aye Yah!

House plans: check
Grading plan: check! (FINALLY)
Foundation plan: check!
City permit turned in: Thursday
Approval to start: Friday, but wait! You need a DIFERENT energy analysis...

Monday (4/28): energy analysis in and permit approved!
Site prep guy: needs to re-bid now....taking his time.....

May 4: Hopefully site-prep bid will come in Monday and he can start this week!