Pending the getting of quotes from insulation guys and the subsequent hiring of said insulation guy, we are pretty much just waiting on plumbing and cable/phone guys to finish what they need to do at this stage. We need to buy brick ties (?) for the mason so he can get those up and then I think we can get inspected. The AC guy warned us that there might be a problem with the dryer vent...they're pushing it just a little on length, so we might get it on round two like we usually do. No biggie. I'm so ready for brick, so I hope we get it early. I'm ready for the next stage!
There's a lot of wires now... And apparently this toilet will be OK.
The rail is now ready for some normal looking railing on the stairs....I think he just had it higher for safety while they were building? Ok, that doesn't make a lot of sense, but we're glad it's a normal height now for a normal stair rail. And we didn't even have to ask : )
The only sad part about progress is that you can't walk through walls anymore : (
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