Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Best Laid Plans...

So, the lot may look flat and finished, but it's not supposed to be. Andy's gotta come back out and make it not flat (I know, it sounds funny) so that the foundation can slope on the bottom and be flat on top. His cuz, J.D. (RHS class of '98...craziness) dumped a big load of Austin stone out there yesterday anticipating the start of the retaining wall.

In the midst of digging, we discovered 3 or so of our neighbor's sprinkler heads on our property, so to fulfill my duties, I went knocking on the door to meet Joel Hoover (Cheree's husband) who seemed a little grumpy but easily agreed to call the sprinkler people to move them (come to find out, he's a cop who works the late shift, so I probably woke him up at 3:00 pm). Later he and I vistited with Andy and he ended up getting those people out by 5:00 that afternoon and they were moved in an hour. Good work! Erik went back later and talked with Joel again, and he was in a much better mood : ) I hope the bulldozers don't keep him awake during the day....

Another minor blunder is that someone (no one seems to know who....) spray painted address numbers on the curb in front of our lot and the greenbelt next to us. Unfortunately, the number in front of our lot (5903 YC) reads 5905 and number on the curb in front of the greenbelt is 5903. So the porta potty was delivered to the greenbelt. Sigh. Thankfully we get to leave it there... So it was no surprise to us when we requested utilities marked before we digged (dug??) that they guessed it, the greenbelt. So Erik just sucked it up and requested that they mark 5905 and the job was done to our satisfaction.

I spent the day on Tuesday at Home Depot pricing just about everything. Appliances, faucets, tubs, and cabinets. It was a more stressful experience than I thought it would be, but the shopping continues as we look for a more reasonable price for cabinets and seek to fulfill the dream of finishing out this house eBay style.

Evidence of my shopping experience....


Evelyn & Patti said...

First comment - Love this blog! The video of the bulldozer knocking over the trees was great. We are so happy to watch the progress of the house. Wondered about the video saying (youtube)- Do you post a video there? Thanks.

Abby said...

It was much easier to post such a large video on youtube and then post it here since youtube can handle the bandwidth. Glad you can see what's up!