Tuesday, July 15, 2008


We passed our P2 inspection today (that's just inspection #2) and the foundation guy was already back laying the sand for the foundation. I pointed out that the song we sang in Sunday school about the house building parable specifically points out that only the "foolish man builds his house upon the sand" but apparently this is how it works : ) Sure don't want our house on the sand to go "splat!" Hope to have a pic of that tomorrow.

Tomorrow he'll be back out there floating and laying the post-tension wires for the foundation. That should mean (say a prayer) that Thursday we will have the electrician out, the engineer inspection of the pre-pour foundation, an independent inspection of the lay of the land and our P3 inspection by the city. Luckily we have Friday free in case any of the above takes longer than necessary and by MONDAY (!) we can maybe, just maybe pour a foundation.

I would also like to point out for you that my reporting on this project is purely from a novice's point of view and I try to relate what is going on when I don't really know what's happening until it's already happened, in general. Most of the time I tell Erik what I said or when I thought something was supposed to happen and he laughs and tells me what's really going on. I try to go back and edit for posterity's sake, but alas, I am only a messenger. And a very poor one at that. : )