I drove up to the house yesterday to find 2 big trucks and about 10 guys digging a huge hole in the neighbor's yard across the street. Erik came out and said they were putting in our gas. OUR gas. But they're digging up our neighbor's yard! They must HATE us! What a way to make friends. Apparently, they first dug a hole in our yard by the driveway, somehow sent the line under the road??? and had to connect it over there? They actually did a really good job of covering it up - literally. They peeled back their grass, dug the hole, filled it in, and rolled the grass right back over the top.

Today would have been a great day to plant grass, but seeing as the next week will be uber cold, I don't want to have to water said grass in my ski gear, so I'll wait for a stretch of mild weather, or an impending final inspection day *whichever comes first* to take care of that : )
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