Erik spent most of
Saturday Sunday after church digging a Mann-sized hole to connect the electricity. This was taken around 3:00. By 4:00 I was going to Home Depot to rent an auger and Dad and Bret were coming to the rescue. After near carbon monoxide poisoning via the exhaust put out by that thing, they gave up and came home to hot showers and fajitas. 1 foot to go, so hopefully tomorrow? So close, but so far....and so cold!

To back it up a bit, our new plumber arrived on the scene last Tuesday to rescue us from certain watery demise after Bill. He brought a crew of 5 or so and wanted to complete everything in a day. They got to work like crazy, installing faucets and toilets and waterheaters and even fixing things they deemed unacceptable work per the previous plumber. Unfortunately, the fiber optics line could not be located and Charlie needed a big back hoe to dig as deep as he thought he needed to, so they had to hold off until today to try to connect to the sewer. Here's what he got done:

Anyhoo, he came back out today with the big guns, and lo and behold, the sewer was only 5 feet deep but next to a $20,000 magic fiber optic line. Bill's 8 ft. No, not even close. So he connected everything and we called the city and they came out and inspected it! Only to tell him to change something that he didn't have the equipment to change today, so poor guy has to come BACK out tomorrow, fix, reinspect, and fill the hole for us. He has been a savior! I thank him profusely every time I talk to him. If our house floods with water when we turn it on, it will only be because he didn't find something Bill did wrong.
By tomorrow you should have water. Guess Erik started digging the minute you got back Saturday!
We are happy for you guys and will pray for water tomorrow.
Dave and Evelyn
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