Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Grass is Kinda Green

Pictures will come tomorrow as apparently you have to charge newly purchased rechargeable batteries before you can use them.

This Saturday, I woke up at 9:00 am or so and Erik left for the house. I had him walk off the yard and report back so I could call and see how much grass we could order. 4,000 sq ft = 442 sq yards. I called Miller Grass and that would cost $1400. So we decided to go for 1/2 of that which is around 3 1/2 palates. Amazingly, they delivered some actually good looking grass (for December) only 40 minutes later and it was time to get to work! I picked up 30 bags of compost at Lowe's and spread a thin layer over the front yard and beds. Then mom brought lunch and we got to work. Nanna and Grandaddy brought the tiller, and Grandaddy tilled the flower bed by the porch. Mom and I started laying grass in the front. We pretty much can't move without feeling the pain right now. Unfortunately, the gas company hasn't connected yet, so we had to leave the first 8 ft of yard by the street just in case they have to dig. But the rest of the yard is done in front, the side is done, and most of the back. The side by our neighbors will have to wait until the electricity is connected. Which is another update...

Erik spent yesterday afternoon digging a bit and most of today trying to connect those two holes. The hole is now about 7 ft deep, 4 ft wide at the top, narrowing to a point where it finally connected under the retaining wall with the trench. I had brought Dad with me to get his truck and he stayed to help Erik get the 2 1/2 inch pipe through that hole. All the conduit is now connected with the tape through it, ready to be inspected by the electric company!

Once connected, we can fill the ditch.
Then the HVAC guys can come back out and install the outside unit.
Hopefully the gas company will be here in the next week or so and we can finish all the grass.
This Saturday, Erik's parents are coming and we are going to knock out the trim and landscaping.
I need to order wood floors, like tomorrow.

Erik still has a little left on the master shower and then the kitchen floor as far as tile goes.

We're gettin' there!


Anonymous said...

All right! You guys are knocking off that list. Can't wait to see pictures with the grass. Number 20 on the list looks the most fun. Have a great week.
Dave and Evelyn