Thursday, July 10, 2008

You Win Some, You Lose Some

I've decided that my official job capaciy in this build is that of providing "progress insurance". By this I mean, when I arrive at the lot at 8:something in the morning and no one has arrived, I can get Erik to place the phone calls necessary to provoke the subs to come to the lot and work that day. This morning, I was unable to be out there because I had a sick car (she's all better now) and by the time I got out there at 3:something, no work had been done all day. Shed a tear and take a few Tums. Under normal circumstances when I get out there early and tattle on them, we can usually fix this problem, so it is quite necessary that I stay on top of waking up way too early for one with a summer off, so that Progress can continue.

Mind you, the plumber never could have made it out today and will make up for it by working all day Saturday to finish, so thumbs up for Bill for keeping his customers happy and living up to his word like a good businessman.

Maybe, just maybe, we will have approval to POUR the foundation on Monday. Glorious day.


Evelyn & Patti said...

Wow,quite a machine that is for putting in the piers. PROGRESS!!! Yeah.
D & E